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Great Oakwood Family,

Week Three…Hope & Help for the Oxford community!

Here is what Oakwood did today:

  • We delivered the gift bags to the staff of Oxford High School (check out the pictures attached).  They had a meeting at Boulder Pointe and Dawn Sterner received permission not only for us to give out the gift bags, but she also was able to get permission for me to address everyone on behalf of Oakwood Community Church. I shared a message of love and encouragement explaining that Jesus is God “WITH” us and we are committed to being “WITH” them now and in the future.  I want you to know that your act of love was very well received, and the gratitude was overwhelming!  A BIG “Thank You” goes to Melisa Hall for leading this project and Dawn Sterner for being our connection with the school and working hard to make this happen!  Thank you too for supporting this effort!

Here is what is happening next:

  • This Sunday is our final day for our annual “Oakwood Cares” offering. Our goal is $20,000.  This fund takes care of all needs outside our church family.  It helps people in our community with major needs, loss and emergency care.  Please consider making this a priority in your “end of the year” giving.
  • We have ordered new “LOVE” shirts to show our community that we are “WITH” Oxford (Check out the picture attached).  It is blue with the word love on the front, but the “O” is the Oxford block “O”.  On the back it says, “#WITHOxford”.  It is a long sleeve T-shirt not a short sleeve as pictured.  They cost $20 to make but we will be offering them to you for $15 each (cost offset by the church).  Get yours when they arrive!

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)