Celebrate Recovery
Mondays from 7:00pm-8:30pm at Oakwood

Celebrate Recovery serves in 30,000 churches around the world. It is based on Jesus’ 8 Beatitudes and the corresponding 12 Steps of Recovery.

  • Celebrate Recovery Weekly Meetings are at 7pm EVERY Monday
  • Step Studies meet on days & times based on the schedules of those who sign up

Everyone has a story... everyone has experienced, or is experiencing, some form of hurt, habit or hang-up. It is hard (sometimes impossible) to recover from some of them on our own.  God does the impossible part.  Come learn how to do ‘your part’ and how to stop trying to do the impossible, ‘God’s part’.

Watch the video below about the baggage we tend to carry around with us!

Common Questions

  • About 2000 years ago, Jesus taught the beatitudes which are the 8 principles of CR and correspond to the 12 Steps used in other recovery groups.
  • In 1990 CR began in one church – and is now in 29,000 churches around the world.
  • January 2016 was when Weekly Meetings and Step Study Meeting started at Oakwood Community Church. 

Monday’s 7:00pm meetings are open to anyone and have two parts:

    1.  Large Group Meeting:

  • Worship in song
  • Alternating weeks include: either a personal testimony or a lesson on one of the 12 Steps

    2.  Open Share Meeting:

  • Separated by gender
  • Confidential expressions of thoughts and feelings

Groups of 3 to 8 people of the same gender establish a convenient time to meet weekly and...

  • Focus on our own thoughts and feelings, while doing this study with others who are doing the same thing
  • Work through the biblically based 12 Steps and their corresponding 8 principles
  • Individually identify, leave behind & let go of past and present Hurts, Hang-ups and Habits (including regrets, disappointments, etc.); all things which negatively impact our relationships with others, with God and with ourselves
  • Daily grow in our relationship with God and dependence on Him for direction of our life

The only requirement is that you have a desire to change and grow.

Celebrate Recovery Director
Warren Boyne

If you have any questions, you can contact Warren at cr@oakwoodcc.org or just show up at Oakwood Community Church any Monday a little before 7pm.