Because we are designed for community & life is better together! Small groups offer an intentional way to build friendship and develop the community we all need. We want to see people doing life together as they study God’s Word, experience life change, support one another through the challenges of life, as well as pray and care for one another. Oakwood has a variety of groups - some are short-term groups (Equipping Groups) and others are ongoing groups (Community Groups).
Oakwood Small Groups meet on different days during the week and in a variety of locations both in homes and on the church campus. We have groups that meet in the Ortonville, Oxford, Lapeer and Lake Orion areas. Most of our groups meet in the evenings for a couple of hours, but we do have a few morning groups specifically for men and women. Our goal is to offer more groups throughout the week.
Most of our Community Groups meet on a weekly basis throughout the year. We generally have oppotunities to join groups (or start new groups) during three different sessions each year - fall, winter/spring and summer. Groups generally meet anywhere from 8-12 weeks during each session and we encourage you to commit to a full session, if possible. Of course, many people will stay with their group over the course of the full year or longer.
We also have ocassional short-term Equipping Groups that will gather from 6-12 weeks for a specific topic or study to help people grow in a particular area. Examples of these groups would be Marriage Oneness, Financial Peace University, Grace-Based Parenting, etc.
Absolutely! Small groups are not just for couples and we have many single adults involved in our groups ministry. While couples are encouraged to attend group together, we understand this isn’t always possible.
Each group handles child care in different ways, as needed. We want our families to be connected in groups. If you need childcare in order to participate in a groups, contact Pastor Ted talk to a group leader and see what options are available.
For Bible Studies, please click one of the graphics for more information and sign-ups. For Community Groups, use the Community Group Interest Form or contact Pastor Ted at or 248-628-6388. Occassionally we offer sign-ups at the Oak located in the Lobby on Sunday Mornings.
If you are interested in joining a Community Group or would like more information, please complete the form below or contact Pastor Ted.