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Hello Great Family,

This Sunday at Oakwood is going to be very important.  While studying the third chapter of Ephesians, God has laid it on my heart to preach the Gospel clearly and invite people to receive His precious gift of salvation.  I write you today to encourage you to use this opportunity to bring people with you this Sunday that need to hear the Gospel and respond.  Perhaps you need to invite a family member or a friend or a co-worker.  I pray God lays someone on your heart and gives you the boldness to get them here.

Worship will be sweet (I played with the band Thursday night and love the music set) and the fellowship will be welcoming and encouraging.  Be praying for the message to be effective and the messenger to be filled with God’s power and God’s words.

While you might know this precious Gospel yourself and have received God’s salvation, others need to hear it presented clearly and respond. Hearing the Gospel is never a waste of time.  We need to be reminded often of God’s mighty provision for ourselves and others. We need you here this Sunday to partner with me by praying fervently during the message.  I hope to see you at Oakwood this Sunday.

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)