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Hello Great Family,

Weeks ago, I mentioned that we might have an Assistant Pastor soon.  I have some very great news... We have an Assistant Pastor!  I am purposefully waiting to share his name until he makes the official resignation announcement to his church this Sunday. I will make a full introduction with names at a fireside chat on Sunday, October 22nd.  We expect him to start here at Oakwood in December.  To help prepare us for this new addition to our great family, I have a few thoughts for you to consider:

  1. Be PRAYING – At this point we need to pray for a healthy transition from his current ministry into our great family here at Oakwood.  Pray for the selling of a home in one location and the purchase of a house here in our community.  Pray for God’s peace to surround a couple who is leaving the familiar and coming to the unknown.  Pray for our great family to be a welcoming and encouraging church family needed during this transition.
  2. Be PATIENT – It will take some time to detangle from their current position; we want them to finish well.  We don’t want them to rush away and leave another ministry suddenly without proper preparation time. When they do arrive here, the first months of transition will be spent getting to know the culture of our church.  Please remember that an Assistant Pastor is coming to assist us in ministry, not to take over all the jobs.  We need all our servants to stay steadfast and to continue serving wholeheartedly.  
  3. Be PURPOSEFUL – Welcoming an Assistant Pastor will be a task for each of us. Begin thinking about how you will introduce yourself and your family (and be ready to introduce yourself several times…we have lots of people to get to know). Start thinking about what this family will need to have and know.  When you relocate to a new area, everything is new and unfamiliar! It takes time to assimilate into a community.  We will need to give information about doctors, dentists, mechanics, banks, restaurants, coffee shops, stores, etc.  We will plan to throw a gift card shower so you can help them experience what our area has to offer. 
  4. Be PROVIDING – We are counting on you to help physically when it comes to moving day. We are counting on you for provisions to fill their home with essential necessities. We are counting on you for financial stability as an organization.  We need the great family of Oakwood to give regularly toward the budget (we are currently 25% behind budget) so we can provide a salary for this position.

I am excited and hopeful as I hope you are too.  We will let you know of specific plans to welcome our new pastor when the time comes.  Thank you for being supportive and encouraging.

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)