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Hello Great Family,

He is here! I'm thankful today that we have a new Assistant Pastor and that his family has made the move to our community.  Most of their things have been stored and lots of books and equipment have made their way into his office at Oakwood.  Special thanks to all the helpers who made the move a reality!

Please continue to pray for our new pastor and his wife.  While their things have arrived, pieces of their hearts are still on the west side of the state.  Pray that our great family at Oakwood will surround them with love and encouragement.

Be at Oakwood tomorrow morning to officially welcome Pastor Ted & Jen.  We will present their welcome gift at both services and after each service we will have a welcome reception in the lobby for you to meet the Jones family.

We start the new Christmas series, "What God Wants For Christmas" this Sunday.  Please spread the word and invite people to attend with you.  This is a great time of year to encourage people to come to church with you.  Let's fill both services this entire month!

See you tomorrow!

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)