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Hello Great Family,

Thank you for helping us make the Christmas Eve services at Oakwood a wonderful success!  You obviously took the challenge to invite people seriously!  We had an overwhelming record attendance at the 11am service and the 2pm service was also well attended.  What a JOY!  Special thanks to everyone who served on stage or behind the scenes to make it a very special day.

We have arrived at the end of another year.  I want to encourage the great family of Oakwood to finish strong!  Here are a few opportunities left for us before we say goodbye to the year 2023 and enter into the new year of 2024:

  • Saturday, December 30th - New Year Celebration!  Thank you to those of you who purchased tickets for our first annual New Year Celebration event.  We have great plans for the adults in the Worship Center and the children in Child Care.  I look forward to celebrating with you!
  • Sunday, December 31st - State of the Church address in ONE service at 11am. Come hear about what makes Oakwood a great family and an effective church. We will also worship and celebrate communion together.  Come participate!
  • Oakwood Cares offering - So far the giving for this once a year offering is just below $10,000 which is almost half of our goal of $20,000.  The Oakwood Cares fund has been a fabulous way to meet needs in our community.  Just this past week we helped a family behind on bills where the mother was in the hospital for brain surgery.   We also answered a referral from our local schools to help a homeless (since August) family get into a home.  This fund helps us be effective and meet needs!  Let's end the year strong and get closer to our goal of $20,000.

This has been a good year! God has been so good to us and our future looks encouraging as new people are coming to Oakwood every week.  Our prayer for the new year is the same as it is every year... "Lord, please make us effective".  May God continue to guide us and direct us to effective ministry.

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)