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Hello Great Family,

Sorry for the late note... it has been a crazy week! I made a quick family trip to Chicago to see my parents but got sick and spent most of the time in bed recovering.  I'm back home feeling better and looking forward to seeing the great family at Oakwood tomorrow morning.

I made the decision to take a few weeks and preach through Oakwood's Mission Statement (P.O.D.C.A.R.).  After walking through it last week at our State Of The Church Address, I was prompted to take some time preaching through each of the key statements:

  • Passionate about God
  • Obedient to God's Word
  • Dependent upon God through prayer
  • Connected to one another
  • Authentic & Relevant in our witness

I encourage you to attend tomorrow as we start this brief series by talking about what it looks like to be properly passionate about God.  Start this year out right with steady, regular church attendance and participation.  Not only do we want you here... we need you here too!  You are what makes Oakwood a great family!  See you tomorrow morning at 9am or 11am.

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)