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Hello Great Family,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  What a great family we have at Oakwood.  Because of the potential weather coming we fast-tracked organizing a moving day for Pastor Ted and Jen Jones.  I sent a message out on Wednesday asking for help on the next day and you did not disappoint.  We had plenty of people and vehicles to make quick work out of a big job.  That's a big deal!  Our church stepped up in a moments notice and met a big need. Thank you for being the church!

Hopefully everyone has made their shopping run for bread and milk before "Snowpocolypse 2024".  This incoming storm is a good reason to remind everyone of our cancelation policy at Oakwood.  During the week (Monday-Friday), we use the local schools as a factor in making a decision.  If Brandon or Oxford schools cancel, we will most likely (not a mandate...just a factor in deciding) cancel ministry events.  However, we will always reach out to let you know of a cancelation.  Sunday is different.  As long as we have power in the building, we will have a service.  We very, very rarely cancel a Sunday service due to weather. However, your safety is important and we want you to make the right decision based on your circumstances.  If it not safe to come to Oakwood, stay at home and watch the livestream.  If you can make it here safely, we would love to have you.  Again, if there is a cancelation, we will communicate with you.

Hoping that the weather doesn't keep you home this Sunday. It is going to be a great day at Oakwood. Worship, Moment for Missions featuring our own D&D servants, Fireside Chat, Preaching, and sweet Fellowship.  All of this and good coffee too! God is good!  See you Sunday!

God Bless,
P.D. (Psalm 139)